Topshop ordered to pay Rihanna's 1.5 million legal bill
5 Feb 2015
The apple of Sir Philip's Green eye, Topshop, has been ordered by the High Court to pay Rihanna's 'startling' 1.5 million pound legal bill, effectively pouring more salt into the wound after the artist was deemed the victor in a legal case with the high street retailer over the use of her image on a T-shirt.
Last month saw the 26 year artist win an appeal from Topshop's parent company Arcadia, which called for the High Court ruling from July 2013 that banned the fashion chain from selling a T-shirt with Rihanna's image on it without her consent to be overturned.
At the time, Sir Philip Green subsequently appealed against paying Rihanna's hefty legal costs of 919,000 pounds. Lawyers defending Arcadia Group argued that there was 'no proper basis' for them being ordered to pay the bill, however their appeal had been turned and now Arcadia Group must pay her bill in addition to their own, plus all additional costs relating to the appeal.
The artist's large legal bill upsetted Arcadia Group, as their own legal costs where reportedly much less, around 350,000 pounds. However, the three appeal court judges ruled that 'the appeal on costs must be dismissed.' The financial bill forced upon Arcadia Group may increase over the next few months, as Rihanna continues to demand an additional 3.5 million pound in damages and profits made through the sales of the T-shirts.
An inquiry regarding the damages made by Topshop's actions has yet to be heard. A total of 12,000 T-shirt bearing Rihanna's image were produced and initially sold for 22 pounds before being reduced to 5 pounds, with only 5 garments left and used as evidence for the legal case.