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Coronavirus: How retailers can adapt to the global pandemic

By Huw Hughes


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As the Covid-19 outbreak continues to disrupt the fashion industry worldwide, companies are scrambling to mitigate its impact and develop strategies to continue, as much as possible, business as usual.

Companies which rely on China, which was the country to be impacted earliest and most heavily by the pandemic, are particularly feeling the strain across their supply chains. Based on data from retail data company Edited, there has already been a 16 percent decline in ‘Made in China’ products across the globe.

The company earlier this month published a report highlighting five strategies retailers could implement to minimise the impacts of the virus on their businesses.

Now, Edited has published a podcast featuring its research and analysis director Rebecca Milne who talks about updates on the pandemic’s impact on the fashion industry and ways businesses can prevail during these trying times.

Photo credit: Pexels
