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High & Mighty: the best clothes for big and tall men

By FashionUnited


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As a nation, men and women alike are getting bigger and

 taller. Height is something that cannot really be prevented in the world of fashion and, while weight is something that can be managed, your lifestyle should never dictate a lack of fashion or style about your person. With this in mind, men's clothing from www.highandmighty.co.uk is your best bet if you fall into either of these large-proportioned categories.

High & Mighty part of the JD Williams & Company Limited, which continues to be the UK's leading direct home shopping company. Founded in 1875 by James David Williams - the first person to make use of the UK's parcel post service - companies under the brand have constantly succeeded in providing quality and value for money clothing. This means big and tall gents up and down the nation are benefiting highly from the expertise of this forward-thinking company. Hitting new heights in sales towards the latter end of the 20th century, High & Mighty and its partners in the JD Williams group enjoyed significant growth that was further bolstered by its excellent, easy-to-use and expansive web presence.

Of course, High & Mighty is a multi-channel retailer and also operates on the high street and through catalogues. As the market leader in big and tall clothing for men in the country, it does not stop delivering fashion that fits men of a stature above the average in the UK.
High & Mighty