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Z Zegna to attend Pitti Uomo as Special Guest

By FashionUnited


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Pitti Uomo has announced that Z Zegna, the diffusion line from

Ermengildo Zegna, will be the special guest of the 86th edition of the menswear trade show and will be hosting an event on June 19.

“We are very happy that a major international player in men's fashion will be presence at Pitti in June,” said Gaetano Marzotto, president of Pitti Immagine in a press statement. The main theme for Pitti's trade show in June will be Ping Pitti Pong, which was devised by Oliviero Baldini and will showcase the labels through 'a sports lens.'

“Zegna's preview at Pitti Immagine Uomo will feature Z Zegna young and innovative collection, which revises the formal attire and combines it with sport themes and materials inspired by the metropolitan lifestyles.”

“The Zegna Group is one of the leading players during Milan's fashion week,” continues Marzotto, “and their extraordinary presence at Pitti in June, during which we will also celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Florence Centre for Italian fashion with the program Florence Hometown of Fashion, confirms that the Italian system of men's fashion is really on the right track to enhance its strengths and tackle the new challenges from international competition.”

The 86th edition of Pitti Immagine Uomo will be held at the Fortezza da Basso, from 17 to 20 June 2014.

Ermengildo Zegna
Pitti Uomo
Z Zegna