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Londonedge sees increase in international buyers

By FashionUnited


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Trade exhibitor Londonedge proved to be a footfall success as buyers’ figures rose by 5% and exhibitors were enthused by a new look venue and layout. Best known for its strong position in the alternative, club and streetwear markets,

Londonedge saw overseas attendance increase by 12% compared with last year. The overall composition was 57% UK buyers and 43% overseas. Gez at Toxico, a long-standing exhibitor, commented: “The show was good for me. We really like the new venue and got great feedback from the customers.”

Barrie Kaufmann from new exhibitor Fables by Barrie also commented: “We had a fantastic show and received incredible feedback from retailers. We thought it was incredibly run and had such a good time.”

The show saw a marked increase in attendance from Scandinavian countries, particularly Sweden and Finland, alongside wider attendance from Eastern European countries and further afield including Hong Kong, New Zealand, Canada and Brazil.

Carole Hunter, Londonedge’s Managing Director, said: “The new venue and layout meant that both Londonedge and Londoncentral exhibitors were brought together on one floor. This created a new inclusive atmosphere that encouraged buyers to look at products they may not previously have been exposed to, resulting in a wholly positive effect for both exhibitors and visitors.”

The event’s success did not go by without paying homage to Co-Director Sandra Phillipson, who sadly passed away earlier this month. Hunter paid a moving tribute in the following statement: “On a personal note, I am profoundly sad to announce the passing of my great friend and co-director Sandra Phillipson who lost her fearless battle with cancer on Saturday 4th September. Sandra remains in our hearts and in our minds and we will miss her beyond measure.”