Carpisa’s owner puts golden brooch to 2014
Pianoforte Holding, owner of Yamamay, Carpisa, and Jaked brands, has closed 2014 with revenue growth. The family-run apparel business has reported a 287 million euros turnover for the past fiscal year.
The group headed by Cimmino and Carlino families has registered a 7 percent year-on-year increase in revenues over the last year.
In a recent interview with Italian media, the company’s CEO Gianluigi Cimmino coined the group’s figures as “excellent”. "An excellent result when compared with 2013, which was a year of slowdown in business.
As for the outlook for the current year, Cimmino expects to "generate 25 percent of our business abroad, against the current 18 percent," seeing that growth happening mainly in the Middle East, Spain, Greece and Germany.
In total, advanced the Italian executive, "foreign openings in 2015 will be higher than 100 units."