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  • What to know about the US’ amended cosmetics regulation act

What to know about the US’ amended cosmetics regulation act

By Rachel Douglass


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Make up products. Image: Unsplash

In what will be its first major amendment since 1983, US Congress has announced an overhaul of the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) cosmetics framework, with a series of adjustments that look to reform the industry.

While change will not be immediate, regulations outlined in the Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) will each provide specific compliance dates and finalised rule changes once agreed upon by the FDA.

Additionally, most of the larger changes will allow for exemptions for many small businesses, including budget considerations and longer integration timelines.

Among the changes are that of labelling and safety requirements, which cover the need to include information on fragrance allergens, outlining professional-use products and ensuring the substantiation of safety for a cosmetic.

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) will now also become a requirement, with the FDA to issue proposed guidance within two years. Companies will also be instructed to register facilities and product listings, including details of ingredients and manufacturing sites.

These two sections allow exemption for small businesses if their average gross annual sales for the previous three years is under one million dollars.

Moreover, through MoCRA, the FDA will be granted the ability to inspect records when needed, as well as investigate talc and PFAS in cosmetics.

It also suggested that the industry should be “phasing out” animal testing when able to do so.
