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Petition calls for legislation to protect models from becoming “dangerously skinny”

By Vivian Hendriksz


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In spite of many calls for changes over the past years, the modelling industry in the UK remains strife with struggles when it comes to the ideal weight for a model. When Rosalie Nelson, a size 8 model who moved to London to continue her modelling career, was told to lose weight she complied. However when she walked back into one of the UK’s largest model agencies and was told to lose even more weight, after shedding a stone and 2 inches off her hips, and get “down to the bone” she realised something needed to change.

Nelson launched a petition on Change.org which calls on the Minister for Women and Equalities Caroline Dinenage, to create a law to protect models from getting ‘dangerously skinny.’ “When I look in the mirror I see someone that is healthy and comfortable in their skin,” reads the petition penned by Nelson. “That’s because I had the guts to carve out my own path and refuse to let people pressure me into losing more and more weight. But with London Fashion Week the reminders are everywhere that we need a law to protect young girls, and boys, who are put under pressure to be dangerously thin.”

Petition calls for change within UK modelling industry to protect models

She stresses the issues regarding weight within the modelling industry and how it can be especially isolating for young girls travelling abroad. “When models travel overseas they are often put into shared accommodation with other models, and being surrounded by girls who are all striving to stay thin can perpetuate bad eating habits and encourage eating disorders,” adds Nelson. “I’ve been on shoots for up to 10 hours where no food is provided -- the underlying message is always that you shouldn’t eat.”

The petition, which currently has over 113,000 signatures, has been widely discussed in the media over the past few weeks and will be presented on Tuesday to 10 Downing Street by Nelson, together with co-model Hayley Hasselhoff. They will deliver the petition ahead of an official Parliamentary Inquiry on today image. Both models will share their own experiences of working within the modelling industry during the inquiry, and will be supported by Caroline Nokes MP, who heads the All Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image, who is campaigning for similar rules in the UK.

"This is an industry which has failed over many years to regulate itself, we have repeatedly seen underweight, painfully thin models on the catwalk, and what the APPG will look at if there is a way that this can be regulated,” said Nokes to International Business Times. The inquiry will also hear from senior members of the fashion industry, modelling agency managers as well as a fashion lecturer who will share their views on the issue.

The petition and inquiry comes after France became the latest country to introduce a criminal charge for the use of ‘dangerously thin’ models this year. Any agency or retailer who break the law face fines and jail time of up to six months.

caroline nokes
rosalie nelson
uk modelling industry