Video: Tommy Hilfiger announces new sustainable and inclusive program

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In its firm objective to be a fully ethical, sustainable and inclusive fashion brand, the American brand Tommy Hilfiger has just presented “Make it Possible”. An ambitious program made up of a total of 24 new ethical commitments, aimed at accelerating its evolution towards a new, more circular and inclusive model. Goal that the company intends to complete by 2030, hand in hand with a program that in turn is part of the “Fashion Forward” strategy designed by the firm's parent company, the multinational PVH. A plan in his case promoted with similar purposes, aimed at reducing to zero the negative impact generated by a business model of which, in addition to Tommy Hilfiger itself, other well-known fashion brands such as Calvin Klein or Arrow are part.

Source: Tommy Hilfiger, Vimeo

make it possible
ommy Hilfiger
Sustainable Fashion