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KAAI and Diamanti Per Tutti join forces to bring to the fore women supporting women

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Image: KAAI

Strong women. Female entrepreneurship. Unconditional mutual support. That’s what the exclusive collab between Antwerp-based brands KAAI and Diamanti Per Tutti is all about. The brands share more than just their roots. Both companies are founded and led by women. It comes as no surprise then that they battle to spread the word on female empowerment.

“We want to help women, we want to help out female brands and stimulate female entrepreneurship. We want women to dare take the plunge. Everything revolves around female empowerment.” – Helga Meersmans, co-founder KAAI

The luxury brands set the record straight and change the notorious saying to “behind every great woman, is a strong woman”. They transformed this idea into a silver necklace showcasing two female silhouettes, one behind the other, referring at the same time to Ine and Helga, the two powerful women that founded KAAI 4 years ago.

Image: KAAI

“There’s so many women who dream of running their own business but simply don’t dare take the chance. We want to express that women too are able to start up a company and also that it’s a good idea to do it together. Not just to face problems side by side, but undertaking something with a partner offers two different perspectives. This can only make you stronger.” – Ine Verhaert, co-founder KAAI

In spite of their success, the power duo cannot deny it’s not easy running a company. On the road to get KAAI up and running, female entrepreneurs Ine and Helga faced challenging obstacles. Obstacles they were able to overcome by working together. Complimenting each other within a team is a true must to get through tough times.

“At the start of a business, there’s a lot of highs and lows. The highs are easy, you share the euphoria and success, but it’s during the lows you’ve got to take care of each other. Your partner always has to be there to lift you up when you’re down and vice versa.” – Ine Verhaert

Women do not have to take a backseat to men. Women should be unconditionally supportive of each other in everything they do. These are basic values for the KAAI community, a community that mirrors female empowerment in all segments of life including entrepreneurship. Believe in each other, inspire each other, and most of all power through no matter what.

“The main advantage of a great partnership is being able to depend on each other. I refuse to believe that either one of us would ever give up, we are both die-hards that go all in. We count on the fact that we will both hang in there and that everything will be alright.’ – Helga Meersmans

Read more about KAAI on their brandpage
Diamanti Per Tutti
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