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Mental health in the fashion retail industry

By FashionUnited


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As 10 October is World Mental Health Day, FashionUnited wants to bring more awareness and transparency to the topic of mental health in the fashion industry.

Time To Change says that in their survey with more than 44,000 employees only half of those suffering or experiencing poor mental health talked to their employer about it, revealing that as many as one in six UK workers is struggling in silence, which reinforces the stigma around mental health.

FashionUnited conducted research to find out more about people's mental health in the retail sector. Compared to the reach of the survey, the response rate was significantly low. One potential reason for this could be the lack of comfort surrounding this topic.

The aim of this was to discover if people’s mental health has changed or stayed the same while working in the industry with the goal of providing insights and normalising feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, respondents were encouraged to suggest ways they believe would improve the well-being of those working in the fashion retail industry.

Ways to improve the well-being of employees

Whilst the number of respondents was too low to draw any actual conclusions, the ideas that were received to improve mental well-being at work are certainly worth sharing.

Anonymous: “Have bonuses when you reach the target, send an email congratulating sales associates when they have an exceptionally good day in terms of sales (really makes them feel appreciated and seen), asking employees about their opinions on the new collections so they feel more involved in the business.”

Anonymous: “Have spaces like an office job in which employees can maybe de-stress or have meditation rooms to use in free time.”

Anonymous: “Being more supportive of their employees, helping them to grow in the company, setting attainable goals.”

Anonymous: “More frequent check-ins between management and the employee to see how they're doing.”

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please seek help immediately. Here are some mental health resources you should find helpful: in the USA and in the UK.

World Mental Health Day