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Dress to distress

By FashionUnited


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Dress to distress, or rather impress. This season is all about distressed denim, from Balmain's catwalk ripped jeans to the new street-style where high fashion meets punk rock.

Tommy Hilfiger has made the trend his own and launched a jean which you can customise to get the perfect worn-in look to suit your taste. Why? Unless you're wearing selvedge Japanese denim, jeans only look good once they've aged. Most likely your favourite jeans are that pair which has been in your wardrobe for at least a year. Hilfiger Denim has come up with an easy, fast-track way of naturally distressing your jeans by introducing a limited-edition jean that comes with its own sanding block.

Using the sanding block is the most authentic way to achieve the distressed look. Best is to not sand them to threads on the first go - try doing it over the course of several weeks or months. Much better than the fake chemical look!
