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Jacqueline Groag at the FTM

By FashionUnited


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Until 20th December, British textile designer Jacqueline Groag will be on show at the Fashion and Textile Museum (FTM) in London. Groag is considered as one of the most influential designers of Britain after WWII.

Originally Czech, Groag studied textile and pattern design in Austria and during the late twenties and early thirties designed textiles for the Wiener Werkstatte in Vienna. However, she and her husband were forced to flee to London in 1939 by the political situation in Europe. Throughout the forties she became the leading designer of textiles in Britain.

Her work and influence included large corporations and exclusive couturiers, but was familiar to the general public through stores and companies such as John Lewis, Liberty of London, David Whitehead, Edinburgh Weavers, Sandersons, Warerite and Formica.

Jacqueline Groag died in London in 1986 at the age of 83. The exhibition displays a glimpse into her work that shaped post-war design.

Fashion and Textile Museum
Jacqueline Groag