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  • Mango aims to eliminate 160 million plastic bags per year from supply chain

Mango aims to eliminate 160 million plastic bags per year from supply chain

By Huw Hughes


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Mango has announced a target to replace approximately 160 million plastic bags per year used in its packaging with paper bags.

In collaboration with its suppliers, the Spanish retailer said it will progressively eliminate all the plastic bags it uses to distribute products throughout its supply chain - according to Mango, it is the first major company in the Spanish textile sector to do so.

The company will replace them with bags made from tissue paper sourced from sustainably-managed forests where practices are certified as compliant with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) international standards.

The project will kick off with local production of folded garments and in the retailer’s online channel, following successful pilot trials in Morocco, China and Turkey. The retailer then plans to expand the project to all its garments by the end of 2021.

“This is a large-scale project that will have a very positive impact on the environment, given that through its implementation we will stop using approximately 160 million plastic bags a year,” Mango CEO Toni Ruiz said in a statement.

“We are very happy to implement these types of projects that help us advance towards a more sustainable fashion, which in turn will allow us to implement the sustainable transformation of the company”.

Photo credit: Mango

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