Nana Tamura of Esmod Tokyo wins Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix

By Aileen Yu

1 Nov 2019

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Tokyo - Nana Tamura of Esmod Tokyo won the Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix on October 16. The design student presented a collection inspired by poetic deconstruction at the Shibuya Hikarie.

More than 5,000 students from 9 different countries competed for the 2019 Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix. One of the world's largest fashion awards for students, many winners have gone on to become professional designers who have launched their own brands and are now thriving in the global fashion industry.

The Director of Affairs, Mr. Tamotsu Yamachi, praised Tamura, “she expressed her own perspective of femininity in a very simple way through her work and that is amazing.”

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2019 Tokyo新人デザイナーファッション大賞アマチュア部門結果発表 . Result of 2019 Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix has been announced! Grand Prix awarded to: Nana Tamura . . 【大賞】 田村 奈々 (Nana Tamura) エスモードジャポン 【優秀賞】 ヤンウェイ ヅン (Yan-Wei Tseng) Shih Chien University, Taiwan 【秀作賞】 ヤチン リー(Yachin Lee) Shih Chien University, Taiwan 山田 琢也(Takuya Yamada)名古屋モード学園 梅原 理央磨 (Rioma Umehara) 大阪モード学園 スンミン ユー (Seungmin Yu) Kookmin University, South Korea チャーハン シェイ (Chia-Han Hsieh)Shih Chien University, Taiwan #tokyo新人デザイナーファッション大賞#tokyo#fashion#designer#grandprix#competition#contest#show#fwt

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The Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix was established by Onward Kashiyama in 1984 and has produced many prominent designers over the years. The Amateur Category is specifically geared towards students and attracts the world's largest number of applications. The Professional Category, introduced in 2011, discovers designers that are active internationally and offers support to their businesses.

Photos: screenshot of Amateur Fashion Grand Prix website, Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix Instagram

Esmod Tokyo
Nana Tamura
Tokyo New Designer Fashion Grand Prix