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Tips on landing your dream fashion job

By Aileen Yu


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Searching for a dream fashion job? Maybe you work in retail but want to take your fashion career to the next level or just graduated with a degree in merchandising and you’re in the process of applying for jobs. Besides sending out a CV, what else can do you to optimize the chances of landing the fashion job of your dreams?

Miuccia Prada once stated, “what you wear is how you present yourself to the world, especially today, when human contacts are so quick. Fashion is instant language.” This has never been more relevant as job applicants need to present a convincing image of themselves through their online profile, cover letter and even interview outfit. From making a lasting personal impression to using the correct key terms in your online profile, FashionUnited rounds up 6 tips to bring you closer to landing that dream fashion job.

Efficiently use industry-related job recruiting platforms

Before you land the interview of your fashion dream job, your resume and cover letter first have to cross the hurdle and onto the recruiter’s radar. According to CNBC and a top recruiter on LinkedIn, Abby Kohut, “in order for a recruiter to find you, you must include the proper search terms in your profile.” The job title, zip code and repeating the key terms a few times in your profile will push your resume to the top of search results. If you’re able to ask colleagues, managers or clients for a personal recommendation instead of just endorsing your skills, that will also stand out to recruiters.

Add a personal touch to the cover letter and showcase your point of view via a blog or a visual Pinterest account. That being said, your social identity will also be scrutinized, so be sure to clean up personal profiles to represent an image that companies want to hire to represent their brand.

Most importantly, efficiently strategize your job search by joining fashion industry-related job recruiting platforms such as FashionUnited. Industry job recruiting platforms are specifically curated and fashion skill specific jobs are more likely to appear on these sites.

Go beyond researching the company, get familiar with its culture

When it comes to landing your dream fashion job, think of what it is that has inspired you to apply there. Is it their century-old luxury heritage or an innovative e-commerce business model disrupting the industry? Research the company thoroughly and get to know not just how they work, but who works there. Be familiar with the company culture, their brand values and even how you can “look the part” for the interview.

Get an internship and give extra effort

Interning is almost considered a right of passage in the fashion industry. It’s not only a chance for you to participate within the inner workings of a fashion company, but also an opportunity for others to see what you are capable of. Will you be the intern that just shows up or will you go above and beyond by asking what else you can do. Do things before you’re asked, being thorough and resourceful even with the most menial tasks will show your work ethic. The contacts you build during your internship are more likely to want to go out of their way to help somebody that makes a lasting impression.

Know your fashion and keep up with industry knowledge

You love fashion, but do you really know it? Underneath the glitz and glamour, there are the technical aspects of how a garment is produced, manufactured, marketed and sold. The more you educate yourself on all aspects of the fashion industry, the faster you will succeed. From emerging designers to fashion startups and mergers of influential luxury conglomerates, the fashion business has never been more unpredictable. Keep up with current industry news and trends by reading trade-related publications and gain more knowledge by taking courses or participating in lectures.

Maintain relationships while making new connections

A large network is important in every industry and even more so when it comes to fashion. Often times candidates are referred by their friends for that coveted dream fashion job even before the vacancy is posted online. For many people, the idea of networking is daunting and seems like a chore.

The first step is to make it more fun and find opportunities that will help you create natural connections with people. Instead of treating it as another task, think of it as “growing your family” in the fashion industry. Events such as conferences, workshops or talks are settings where you’ll be more motivated to engage with others as well as a great place to meet mentors. While meeting new contacts is the goal, make it a habit to also maintain relationships you’ve already built.

Be passionate, open-minded and collaborative

Nobody succeeds in fashion alone, it’s a team effort and being able to work well with others is crucial. Of course, you must have a passion for what you do to be able to wake up early on a Saturday to assist a photoshoot, but it’s your attitude that will take you further. Being easy to work with and bringing positive energy to the job is an asset for any company. The fashion industry never sleeps and many times you’ll be asked to join an event last minute or change the direction of an assignment close to completion. Be flexible, open-minded and people will remember you when the bigger projects come along.

Photo: Pexels
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