Federico Marchetti to lead YNAP as Chairman and CEO

By Prachi Singh


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Ahead of its takeover by Richemont Group, the board of directors of Yoox Net-A-Porter Group S.P.A. appointed Federico Marchetti as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the company and Stefano Valerio as Vice Chairman of the company, granting them the requisite powers. Marchetti was also named Executive Director in charge of the internal control and risk management system, and independent director Robert Kunze-Concewitz as Lead Independent Director.

The board also appointed the members of the control and risk committee that includes Chairman Alessandro Foti, Catherine Gérardin Vautrin and Laura Zoni; the members of the compensation committee including Chairman Robert Kunze-Concewitz, Catherine Gérardin Vautrin and Richard Lepeu; the members of the appointment committee consisting of Chairman Alessandro Foti, Richard Lepeu and Laura Zoni; the members of the related-party transactions committee inclusive of Chairman Catherine Gérardin Vautrin, Alessandro Foti and Robert Kunze-Concewitz.

The board also confirmed Rossella Sciolti as Chairman, Isabella Pedroni and Matteo James Moroni as members of the supervisory body for the three year period 2018 – 2020.

Picture:YNAP website

Federico Marchetti