New international brands join line-up at Carnaby Street

By Huw Hughes

15 Feb 2019

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West End landlord Shaftesbury has announced that Columbia Sportswear, Izipizi and Subdued will all be opening new stores at London’s iconic Carnaby Street in the coming months.

US brand Columbia Sportswear will open a 2,465 square foot European flagship store spanning two floors at 39 Carnaby Street, Italian teenage brand, Subdued, will open its first UK standalone store at 12 Foubert’s Place, and French eyewear brand, Izipizi, will open at 28 Carnaby Street. Stockholm-based Swedish fashion brand, Our Legacy, will be expanding its space in Silver Street to accommodate its first UK womenswear store.

“We are excited to see the healthy demand from influential international brands wanting to open their first UK store in Carnaby,” retail portfolio manager at Shaftesbury, Addy Williams, commented in a statement. “These brands are seeking a destination with 7 days a week footfall and a good demographic customer, coupled with our unrivalled events and marketing strategy that supports the retailers and gives our visitors great customer experiences.”

Carnaby Street
Columbia Sportswear
Our Legacy