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UK SME's save 6 million pounds through Worldpay Benefits Club

By Vivian Hendriksz


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Worldpay, British payment processing company revealed that its SME customers have collectively saved 6 million pounds in value-added business services since the launch of the Worldpay Benefits Club last July. The Club, which is part of Worldpay's commitment to help SMEs grow, is run in partnership with Huddlebuy, benefits provider for startups and small businesses.

"The UK business scene is flourishing. People feel much more empowered to set up shop on their own. We're hugely passionate about nurturing this growth by giving SMEs exclusive savings on essential services like computers, email marketing, business cards and software, as well as personal perks like corporate gym membership - benefits that were previously only afforded by the largest of corporations," commented Saurav Chopra, co-founder of Huddlebuy.

Customers who have signed up to the Worldpay Benefit Club have access to a number of free or discounted services including support with email marketing, legal and business advice and branding design. According to a recent study from the Hartford Small Business, nearly half of small business owners with full-time employees do not offer any benefits. "Small business owners have a big job to do. They run marketing, operations and HR, basically everything in the company, and we want to help them," added Dave Hobday, UK Managing Director of Worldpay. "The Worldpay Benefits Club is just one way we are doing this."

"The Club provides invaluable access to knowledge and services that accelerate the growth of small businesses. We've designed it to be flexible and service rich, so that each small business can access what they need to succeed. We've been delighted with the response so far and look forward to building on this offering with more tools and advice that will help small businesses get ahead."

"It’s an exciting time to be a business owner and we hope the Benefits Club will reassure those ‘going it alone’ that there’s ample support for the entrepreneurially spirited," concluded Chopra.

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