Yourbrandspace and Independent Retailer Month

By FashionUnited

12 Jan 2012

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FashionUnited previously featured an interview with founders and fashion insiders, Louisa Valvano and Samantha Bleasby, and now the subscription service and online fashion connecting site has received significant recognition.

For 2012, Independent Retailer Month has name as a supporting partner, across both the UK and US, in a joint partnership bid to boost the presence and success of independent retailers, through creating excitement with increased consumer engagement and encouraging a growing portfolio of independent fashion brands.

Kerry Bannigan, CEO Independent Retailer Month, comments: ‘I am thrilled to have onboard with our essential global campaign. Their dedication to supporting independent fashion brands on their site will allow us to reach and enhance key businesses in our economies.’

Louisa Valvano, Director, remarks: ‘Encouraging and helping independent retailers is what is all about. Aiding the growth of the independent retail sector is vital in helping small businesses to thrive, so we are thrilled to partner with Independent Retailer Month 2012.’

Independent Retailer Month is a global ‘Local shop’ campaign that aims to highlight the important role local merchant’s play in the community.

Independent Retailer Month
Louisa Valvano