2023 Lifestyle Trends

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Camper Van Escape. Illustration: Jackie Mallon

The Great Outdoors

Whether it is just hiking for the day or traveling in a camper van for a few months, the Pandemic has given consumers renewed respect for getting out into the countryside. The demand for outdoor clothing a.k.a. 'Gorpcore', reflects that trend.

During the next year, city dwellers, from families with young children, to retirees, will continue to move to greener pastures, just as they have been doing since early 2020. This is due to a combination of factors, above and beyond COVID, including the astronomical rise in both inner city house prices and violent crime.

Social Activism meets Corporate America

As election campaigns for 2024 start to rev up in the US, Americans of all ages, from Boomers to Gen Z, will come together to defeat extreme right wing views and anti-democratic stances. They expect corporate companies to support them. The more consumers come to rely on businesses to weigh in on issues that matter to them, the more investors will see such activism as an extension of company interests and not a diversion from them.

Seeking a Better 'You'

Many people spent the Pandemic lockdowns improving their skill sets. This is a trend that will continue throughout 2023. Consumers found that they enjoyed activities such as taking online courses, trying out vegan recipes, learning a foreign language or how to play a musical instrument. Depression and anxiety rates have soared in The US and well-being experts are helping people find ways to counteract negativity.

Extreme Globe Trotting

Now that people can travel freely again, from Vietnam to Nigeria, they will find pleasure in visiting places they never expected to seek out, especially in Asia and Africa. This will apply to parents too who, after two years of homeschooling, opt to give their children a global education through travel.

Blue Sky Thinking

During the FW22 buying season, denim made a huge impact, showing up in a wide variety of guises on major runways. It's a trend that will continue throughout 2023 as consumers seek out clothes that are fashionable but have the comfort of the sweats they wore during the Pandemic. Looks will range from blue denim jeans paired with a white shirt or tank top and sneakers, all the way through to intricately stenciled and embroidered double denim ensembles and sweeping outerwear.
