Björn Borg launches 'nude' collection for all skin tones

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London - For the majority of fashion history, the word 'nude' was associated with light to medium skin tones, excluding darker skin colours in spite of 84 percent of the world's population being a skin colour which is other. However, over the years a handful of brands, such as Nubian Skin, and Christian Louboutin have taken steps to expand the word 'nude' to include all skin tones. Now, on Monday March 21, the United Nations Racial Discrimination Day, sportswear and underwear label Björn Borg has launched a new, underwear collection which aims to address every skin colour.

Björn Borg unveils new collection of 'nude' underwear, consisting of 6 tones

Unlike other traditional 'nude' collections, Björn Borg new collection consists of six shades which were developed according to the Fitzpatrick skin scale. "Nude is not a colour; it’s a concept that everybody should have the right to enjoy," commented Björn Borg Marketing Director, Jonas Lindberg Nyvang in a statement. "We call it six shades of human and the reason to our launch on the UN Racial Discrimination Day is that the political climate in Europe has been very tough as of late and it is time to show colour. This is our contribution to that debate."

The Fitzpatrick scale is said to be based on human skin pigmentation which has evolved primarily to regulate the amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrating the skin. The scale is a classification of the typical response of different types of skin to ultraviolet radiation and covers six main skin tones - the same ones which are offer within the new Björn Borg skin collection. The collection includes hotpants for women and trunks for me and is made from a microfibre materials which has been developed to allow high breathability and comfortable fit throughout.

The 'nude' collection is currently avaiable through selected retailers and online at the Björn Borg web shop, for 32.95 euros.

Bjorn Borg
Christian Louboutin
Nubian Skin