Primark pledges to ban chemicals from production process

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Primark, the fashion retailer that is widely known for its low prices and fast fashion, has become a member of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) group. Other members of this group include for example Esprit, H&M and Nike.

The ZDHC group was founded in 2011 and consists of clothing- and footwear brands that are committed to banning chemicals from their production process. In 2011 the group formulated the Join Roadmap: a document in which the steps towards a clean production process are described. A few examples that are mentioned include the investigation of safer methods of production and the organisation of workshops for suppliers.

Primark issued the following statement in a press release: “This pledge builds on the robust processes Primark already has in place to manage chemicals in its supply chain.” With this statement, the chain which is originally from Ireland refers to the Detox Campaign from Greenpeace in which they participated in February 2014.
