Interactive chart - Top 10 most popular fashion brands of 2015

By FashionUnited

28 Dec 2015

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For a brand to be popular, they have to conquer Instagram, be huge on Facebook, and get their Tweets on Twitter retweeted to expand their reach. But, which fashion brand has become the most popular of 2015? Well, FashionUnited analysts have been calculating each global fashion brand’s reach taking into account their social media followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, as well as social mentions using hashtags and retweets, and finally adding how much Google search traffic each brand received.

The top 10 most popular fashion brands is a mix of sportswear, high street retailers, lingerie giants, as well as luxury designer brands.

Would you like to know more about the 10 most popular brands? Read here further.

top 10 most popular fashion brands