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Digital Product Passport - DPP in Fashion

What is the Digital Product Passport? Officially titled the Digital Product Passport (DPP), the tool will require brands to collect and share data from a product’s entire lifecycle accessible in the form of a 'digital twin'. While the concept and operational aspects of the DPP continues to evolve, in its initial format it will highlight the sustainability, environmental and recyclability attributes of a product, as well as its manufacturing process and sourcing. What is the impact of this DPP on the fashion industry? Read all the latest news and updates here.


Digital Product Passport: new guide by TrusTrace unlocks the Why, What and How

“I got into fashion because I love numbers and data …” said nobody, ever, as pointed out by the new digital product passport (DPP) playbook, launched by TrusTrace, a platform for supply chain traceability and compliance, and written by about a dozen subject matter experts. However, the European Parliament adopted the Ecodesign for Sustainable...
